ScienceMeThisDec 2, 20195 min readVegan experienceNothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -...
ScienceMeThisSep 30, 20195 min readCheese, oh my cheeseOnly peril can bring the French together. One can’t impose unity out of the blue (cheese, hihihi) on a country that has 265 different...
ScienceMeThisSep 2, 20194 min readRed is the colourRoses are red, and so is my wine. Refill my glass and I'll be just fine. Unknown. Eating dark chocolate is good for your memory, blood...
ScienceMeThisJun 10, 20194 min readThe darker, the better.If someone asks me “How does life taste?” I would certainly answer ‘Dark Chocolate’! Cause it’s a perfect blend of sweetness and...
ScienceMeThisJun 3, 20194 min readWe are what we eat.Food is our common ground, a universal experience James Beard We are what we eat. Biologically true. Food can be a pleasure, but it is...
ScienceMeThisMay 27, 20194 min readCoffee, oh my coffeeIf it wasn’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever David Letterman It’s the morning. Your alarm just got off....