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I'm not always sure of who I am but what I am must be mad... but then again I think anyone who found their way to this blog must be (at least a little) mad as well. We wouldn't be here otherwise..​.


Right - I am currently a PhD student in Psychology. I am a European/French, living in the UK for now 4 years. I have some travel experiences - I haven't been everywhere, but I went down-under, visited the Golden Gate, and enjoyed a few trips around Europe.


I am a biologist by training, a life-science engineer by design, and a psychology student by happenstance. And I love science. Some science I found more interesting than other (you will probably notice as you read through some posts) but what I love most about science is talking about it in a way everybody understands. No need for big words and unpronounceable nouns when you talk science. Science is for everybody and that's what I'm trying to do here - talking comprehensible science.

I certainly don't pretend to it in a better fashion than other wonderful sites out there (from which I get ideas for my posts), but I do differently because... well, because I'm doing it.


I hope you enjoy reading through this blog.

Bonne lecture !

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